Reimagine your data-driven
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Thorntale makes it easy to unlock the power of your data with interactive visualizations and automated updates.

Turn passive viewers into active participants

Image of Turn passive viewers into active participants

Interactive visualizations bring your data to life, turning static slides into engaging experiences. Answer audience questions in real-time, transforming viewers into active participants — increasing the likelihood of upsells and perceived value.

More Reach, Less Effort

Image of More Reach, Less Effort

Custom templates and automated email updates help you increase customer touchpoints using more data, all with less effort. Our in-house charting library creates stunning visualizations, even in emails, deepening your customer relationships.

Prettier, faster, and more accurate than a screenshot

Image of Prettier, faster, and more accurate than a screenshot

Say goodbye to outdated, poorly formatted screenshots. Thorntale directly connects to your data, ensuring always up-to-date charts that dynamically adjust to any screen size. Present your information beautifully and accurately, without the hassle of manual updates.

No technical expertise required

Image of No technical expertise required

Create, customize, and present dynamic charts directly in your slides — no SQL or technical skills needed. Our intuitive interface lets you easily transform ideas into stunning visualizations and modify them in real-time, all without fear of breaking anything.

Image of Turn passive viewers into active participants

Engage your clients with data-driven presentations

Thorntale keeps track of the design and data so you can focus on your customers, not the deck.

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Effortlessly align presentations with your brand

Our customizable themes ensure that every heading, bullet point, chart, and slide is to your brand guidelines.

One blueprint, infinite customized presentations

Create a custom template with parameters to reuse and update a presentation for any customer.

Pull data from wherever it lives

Whether your data is in a database, a business intelligence tool, or Salesforce, we connect to the source.

Thorntale Blog

We’re the world’s premier data visualization team. Read about what we’re up to.

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Send Better Emails!

The more touchpoints you have with your customer, the better. Emails are a great way to build keep communication flowing between meetings, but only if they're engaging, professional, and don't take forever to write.

That's why we built Email Integration directly into Thorntale; send your report to your customers with a click of a button.

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Building the World's Best Charts

At Thorntale, storytelling with data is the priority, so we needed to make charts look as good as the rest of your content. We knew that choosing some off-the-shelf charting engine wasn't going to be good enough.

Instead, Thorntale is building the world's best charting engine, from scratch.

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Multiple sharing options

Seamlessly share presentations across web and email, with perfect formatting guaranteed on every device.

Have conversations, not presentations

Transform monologues into dialogues with interactive visualizations, enabling real-time responses to audience questions.

Real-time data connections

Access current data from any source, ensuring your insights are always updated and relevant.

Consistent data narratives

Make your whole team as data-literate as your best CSM or AM.

Step into the future of presentations

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